Thank you for considering making a book or material donation to the Richwood-North Union Public Library. The Library welcomes donations of these items on an ongoing basis. Gift materials are accepted with the understanding that ownership passes to the Library. Materials that meet the collection development needs of the Library may be integrated into the overall library collection and handled as any other material belonging to the Library. The Library reserves the right to transfer items to the Friends of the Library for resale, donate items to other institutions or groups, and to discard or recycle materials as necessary. Monies accrued from the sale of items not placed in the collection directly benefit the Library.
Donated materials must be brought inside of the Library during open hours and the Library requests prior notification of sizable (more than one box of items at a time) donations. Due to limited staffing and storage, the Library will not immediately unload the boxes and return the empty carton. All materials must be clean and in excellent condition - like-new and free from marks, mildew, damage, dampness, dirt, and odor. Donations that do not meet the current needs of the library or are not in good condition will not be accepted.
Donations are tax deductible and the Library can provide you with a form acknowledging your donation. Library staff, however, cannot determine the value of a donation for IRS purposes.
We welcome the following donations:
- Books in excellent condition and usually published within the last 5 years or longer at the discretion of the library staff
- Audiobooks (on CD) and DVDs in excellent condition
- Local History or Genealogy material that has direct relevance to Union County (decisions will be made on a case by case basis)
We unfortunately cannot accept the following donations:
- Materials that exhibit signs of smoke, mold, pests or water damage
- Materials with torn, worn, yellowed, brittle, loose, or otherwise damaged pages, covers, or bindings
- Materials without covers, book jackets, or cases
- Encyclopedias, reference books, textbooks, outdated nonfiction materials, law books, advanced reader proofs, activity books, or condensed books
- Cassettes, CDs and VHS tapes (unless of local historical value)
- Magazines of any kind
- Self-published materials (unless reviewed in established review journals; exceptions may be made for materials of local interest that meet the collection development policy)
- Items that have been withdrawn from any library collection and sold previously