Home Page

Front view of the Richwood-North Union public library
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Board of Trustees

The Richwood-North Union Public Library is under the direction of a seven-member Board of Trustees. All appointments to the Board are approved by the North Union Board of Education.  Each member serves a 7 year term.

Current Board of Trustees
Bruce Davis, President
Richard George, Vice President
Connie Davis, Secretary
Greg Ballinger
Carl Conrad
Margo Shipp
Martha Speyer

Community Websites

American Red Cross, Union County Chapter, www.redcross.org
112 E. 5th St., Marysville, OH  43040,  937-642-6651
Emergency Services - responds to needs of local residents after house fires and other natural disasters.
Armed Forces Emergency Services - connects local troops with their families.
Blood Services - Red Cross bloodmobiles promote and collect blood donations for area hospitals.

Big Brothers Big Sisters, www.emarysville.com/bbbs/index.php


We provide all kinds of various services for the community including fax and printing services, meeting room rentals, computer and internet access, curbside pickup and programming for kids, teens, and adults. Click one of the links below to find out more about the services we offer.